A Combined Show: At Meetinghouse Arts in Freeport–the Meetinghouse artists and the Spindleworks artists

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On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz we were joined by Suzanne Watson, executive director at Meetinghouse Arts on Main Street in Freeport and by Brian Braley, senior manager at Spindleworks, the art center in Brunswick populated by developmentally disabled artists–these two organizations are combining for a month-long show kicking off this afternoon at Meetinghouse Arts.

And thanks to Brian Braley, we have solved a decade-long mystery at WCME. Who was the Spindleworks artist who created the vision of what a WCME remote broadcast truck would look like? It’s been sitting in our window for years and now we know it was created by Tom Ridlon–we thank him for a piece of art which we have always found inspiring.

If you missed our chat with Suzanne Watson and Brian Braley you may hear it here: