Former Topsham State Representative Denise Tepler on the WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz

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On today’s WCME Midcoast Morning Buzz the first of two interviews with the candidates in a key primary race in next Tuesday’s election.

The battle for the Democratic nomination for the District 24 Senate seat, which covers all of Sagadahoc County and Dresden in Lincoln County.

Former four-term state representative Denise Tepler appeared today and on Thursday at 7:35 we’ll be joinied by Jean Guzzetti of Bath, a former legislative policy analyst.

Tepler said today that a red flag law would be helpful to the casue of gun safety but she also suggested that a ban on bump stocks, vetoed by Governor Mills, might be even more effective.

Tepler also said that the most mentioned political subject of all, when she campapigns door-to-door, is fear about Donald Trump being re-elected presdient.

You may hear the entire interview here.